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Your motivational strategy, which you often use, is


You are motivated to complete tasks,

when you are ashamed of your behaviour

and you feel like a fraud.

Unlike neurotypical people, you find motivation, determination, even joy in tasks that you find interesting, unique and arouse strong emotions. The more passionate and exciting the task, the more likely you are to complete it.
Consequences, the prospect of reward, the urgency and importance of the task do not motivate - only fun and excitement do.

"I've always been able to do anything I wanted, as long as I was able to get excited about it."

Is that what you've got?

The difficulty in completing a task is not a question of lack of concentration or attention skills.
It is a lack of interest and intense emotion.
Often you are already asking yourself questions completely unconsciously before undertaking a task:
  • Will I have fun?

  • How much does this task work on my emotions?

For people with ADHD, starting, continuing and completing tasks is a real challenge. Instability of interest and intense emotions do not make the process any easier.
In order to motivate ourselves, we often turn to various motivational tricks that tap into our emotions, but at the same time consume a lot of energy.


Based on your answers, the most common motivational trick you use is:

  • Impostor

When you are ashamed of your behaviour and feel like a fraud, you are motivated to complete tasks. 
Somewhere inside you feel that your failures define you and that you don’t deserve love and belonging.
You are constantly trying to prove your worth to yourself and others.
You feel that you will disappoint your colleagues.
You keep up the pace of activity so that you don’t spoil the lives of your loved ones.
You feel incompetent, weak, stupid.
And you set yourself a challenge to prove to yourself that this is not the case.
Shame may bring motivation to action, but it takes a far greater toll in the long term. 
The body is physically exhausted.
Self-hatred disguised as discipline – it devalues you
Drives you to do better.
Success brings no satisfaction, but rather emptiness and loss of strength.
A new task appears on the horizon.
And you feel shame again.
And you act under its influence.
The circle closes. 
And it spins endlessly.

When you use the trick of Impostor




Confront a tricky motivational trick that incredibly affects your energy resources. Applying it will put you in a state of physical and emotional exhaustion.
And it serves up a lot of stress: because by waiting indefinitely to get emotionally agitated, the backlog grows, deadlines shorten and your sense of agency, self-belief and self-confidence plummets.
Anger has a stimulating effect, but instead of happiness and excitement, you feel time pressure and nervousness, and perhaps a sense of disappointment in yourself.

Evaluate your incentive scheme

What dirty tricks do you use? What thought patterns go behind them? When do you use them? In what ways? What do you lose by using these tricks?


that you will reduce the use of destructive motivational tricks

Learn some new tricks

which will inspire you to take action.Use two important aspects of ADHD - driving interest and emotional arousal - to do this.

What can you do to stop procrastinating?


Get to know yourself

Examine what benefits and what losses you have by focusing only on your imperfection. What are you feeding and what are you undermining by using shame, self-critical thoughts in completing tasks?

Start noticing your efforts and successes

The antidote to cheater syndrome, to appreciate yourself. Praise yourself every evening for one task you have done. Celebrate by smiling to yourself as you cross the task off your list.

Words have power. Be your own mentor.

Look at your inner critic and work on what you are saying to yourself. Take 5 deep breaths, stop the torrent of unpleasant thoughts by saying „I can do this”.

Take care of yourself, especially in moments of crisis.

Take care of your body and give it respite.

Strengthen mental resilience against failures and mistakes.

They are an integral part of life – prepare a whole toolbox of coping with imperfection.

Choose one task, establish the first, simplest step

count from 5 to 0 and just START it.

What is not worth doing?

Doubt yourself and think about what you 'should' be doing

Instead, follow the values you believe in.

To be in control of everything

Instead, learn to let go and use your intuition.

Look for the determinant of success and performance in exhaustion

Instead, take care to relax and have fun.

You are ENOUGH - to lead a fulfilling life.

What can you use?

Read blogs / listen to podcasts / join a support group / enlist the help of loved ones / qualified experts to better support you in introducing good habits to help you complete tasks.

Want more?

Start to procrastinate procrastination!

Discover the 5 game-changers
reducing procrastination in everyday life with ADHD


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